Tiger at the Gates - Broadway Creative Team

Production Staff

Jean Giraudoux Playwright
Lennox Berkeley Composer
(Incidental Music)
Karl Bernstein Press Representative
Diana Boddington Assistant to the Director
Harold Clurman Director
Louis Criss Stage Manager
Meyer Davis Music Contractor
Morry Efron Company Manager
James Gelb Production Stage Manager
Jemison Hammond Production Assistant
Robert Joseph Producer
(Original Producer)
Henry M. Margolis Producer
(In Association With)
The Shubert Organization Theatre Owner / Operator
The Shubert Organization is America's oldest professional theatre company and the largest theatre owner on the Broadway. Since the dawn of the 20th Century, Shubert has operated hundreds of theatres and produced hundreds of plays and musicals both in New York City and throughout the United States. Shubert currently owns and operates seventeen Broadway theatres and six off-Broadway venues. ... read more
George Oshrin Company Manager
Harvey B. Sabinson Press Representative
Loudon Sainthill Costume Designer
Scenic Designer
Victor Samrock Business Manager
Joanne Taylor Assistant Stage Manager
Malcolm Wells Assistant to the Producer
Ticket Central
