Idiot's Delight - Broadway Creative Team

Production Staff

Robert E. Sherwood Playwright
Lawrence Farrell Company Manager
Lynn Fontanne Production Supervisor
George Greenberg Stage Manager
Joseph Knopf Musician
Gerald Kunz Musician
Alfred Lunt Production Supervisor
Le Roi Operti Assistant Stage Manager
The Shubert Organization Theatre Owner
The Shubert Organization is America's oldest professional theatre company and the largest theatre owner on the Broadway. Since the dawn of the 20th Century, Shubert has operated hundreds of theatres and produced hundreds of plays and musicals both in New York City and throughout the United States. Shubert currently owns and operates seventeen Broadway theatres and six off-Broadway venues. ... read more
Max Rich Musician
Lee Simonson Scenic Designer
Tomasso Tittoni Assistant Stage Manager
Ticket Central
