Lightnin' - Broadway Creative Team

Production Staff

Frank Bacon Playwright
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Winchell Smith Playwright
Nat Dorfman Press Representative
Rowland Field Press Representative
John Golden Director
Michael Markham Stage Manager
Michael Markham is a SAG, AEA actor based out of New York City. His favorite roles in New York include Platonov in The Spectacular Demise of Platonov at Shapiro Theater; Giant in Giants at HERE; and The Singing Soldier in Mother Courage and Her Children at The New York Shakespeare Festival in Central Park. Film and television include Law and Order; Unearthed, which has played at The Tallahassee and Macon Film Festivals; Game Theory at the Festivus and Bare Bones Film Festivals; and Blind Date, which recently aired on BET. Regionally he has performed in A Little Night Music, ... read more
Jack Potter Company Manager
Cirker & Robbins Scenic Designer
Ticket Central
