A Little Life - Off-Broadway Creative Team

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A Little Life Off-Broadway

Production Staff

Bart Van den Eynde Dramaturgy
An D'Huys Costume Design
Ivo van Hove Director
Ivo van Hove began his career in 1981 and has been director of Toneelgroep Amsterdam since 2001. He has also been director of Het Zuidelijk Toneel. From 1998 to 2004, he managed the Holland Festival, annually presenting his selection of international theater, music, opera and dance. Until 2010 he was one of the artistic leaders of the Dramatic Arts department in Antwerp. Ivo van Hove's production work in theater includes Hedda Gabler at the National Theatre, A View From the Bridge at Young Vic, West End and Broadway, The Crucible on Broadway, Lazarus in New York and London, and Visconti’s The ... read more
Eric Sleichim Music & Sound Design
Eric Sleichim is a composer and saxophone player of international repute. He is known for his idiosyncratic playing and writing style for both soloists and orchestras. He is a composer in residence at Chamber-opera Transparant and the dedicated composer for the Museum aan de Stroom, Antwerp. He has worked with Ivo van Hove since 2007 on productions including Roman Tragedies, Teorema, Ludwig II, The Fountainhead, Kings of War, The Damned, Obsession and A Little Life. In 1988, Sleichim founded BL!NDMAN, a unique ensemble that includes a saxophone, string, percussion, brass and electronic quartet. He has developed new playing techniques and expanded ... read more
Jan Versweyveld Scenography & Lighting Design
Ticket Central
