The Seagull/Woodstock, NY - Off-Broadway Creative Team

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  3. The Seagull/Woodstock, NY

Production Staff

Thomas Bradshaw Playwright
Thomas Bradshaw Playwright
Thomas Bradshaw is a playwright and director known for his provocative and controversial works that explore issues of race, sexuality, and identity. Born in 1978 in Los Angeles, Bradshaw grew up in a predominantly white suburb and was exposed to the arts at an early age. He attended Harvard University, where he studied playwriting and was mentored by renowned playwright Adrienne Kennedy. Bradshaw made his Off-Broadway debut in 2008 with his play "Southern Promises," which was produced by PS122. The play, which explores interracial relationships and the legacy of slavery, received critical acclaim and established Bradshaw as a rising voice in ... read more
Scott Elliott Director
Ticket Central
