Jean Genet’s The Maids is a provocative and erotically charged drama that delves into the unsettling dynamics between two sisters, Claire and Solange, who serve as maids for a wealthy woman. In their employer’s absence, they engage in disturbing role-playing scenarios that blur the lines between reality and fantasy as they rehearse her murder. Directed by Kyle Dunn, this production powerfully brings to life Genet’s themes of power, identity, and submission, featuring standout performances from Kara Gordon, Mari Sitner, and Leigh DeLollis. Kara Gordon shines as Solange, adeptly capturing her character’s conflicting desires to both serve and dominate. Mari Sitner adds depth to Claire, portraying a simmering vulnerability beneath her resentment, which enriches her character’s complexity. The palpable chemistry between Gordon and Sitner amplifies their interactions, revealing intricate layers of frustration and longing. Leigh DeLollis, embodying Madame, commands the stage with a formidable presence that contrasts sharply with the chaotic energy of the sisters. The interplay among the characters, centered around themes of power and control, creates a palpable discomfort that aligns perfectly with the play’s dark, absurdist undertones. Kyle Dunn’s direction intensifies the claustrophobic tension, allowing the sisters' dangerous fantasies to unfold dramatically. The staging effectively builds suspense as the boundary between their role-playing and reality blurs, crafting a charged and suffocating atmosphere. The Maids serves as a thought-provoking exploration of power dynamics and the emotional toll of servitude. With strong direction and compelling performances, this production offers a gripping examination of identity and control within oppressive structures.
Queer Spooky Shorts 2024 (10/28/24-10/28/24)
The Flea Theater is at 20 Thomas Street, NY, NY, 10007, New York City, NY.
Queer Spooky Shorts 2024 (10/28/24-10/28/24)
Doric Wilson’s Street Theater (10/17/24-10/22/24)
Private Struggle, Public Stage at Circle Theater Festival (10/12/24-11/2/24)
PVT Wars at Circle Theater Festival (10/12/24-11/2/24)
Shakespeare Unraveled at Circle Theater Festival (10/12/24-11/2/24)
Princess Hamlet (10/12/24-11/2/24)
Gidion’s Knot (10/12/24-11/2/24)
Circle Theater Festival (10/12/24-11/2/24)
Our American Queen (6/11/24-6/29/24)
MASK4MASK, a new play by John Patterson (5/8/24-5/8/24)
Void Main
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New Year's Eve Dinner
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Fertile Ground New Works Series: JANUARY 26TH
Green Space (1/26 - 1/26) | ||
Wait, what?! - Where Musical Theater Meets Comedy x Underground
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