Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress is a heartwarming production that follows a young boy named Morris, who loves puzzles, painting, and wearing a vibrant tangerine dress from his school's dress-up box. Despite facing criticism from classmates who believe boys shouldn't wear dresses, Morris embarks on a creative journey through space with his imaginative friends to explore the question, “Do astronauts wear dresses?" Written by juliany taveras and based on the book by Christine Baldacchino and Isabelle Malenfant, this play celebrates the power of self-expression and individuality.
Milo Imagines the World (2/4/25-3/9/25)
Disney’s Frozen (4/15/25-6/15/25)
Leonardo! A Wonderful Show About a Terrible Monster (1/8/25-3/9/25)
Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (11/5/24-1/5/25)
Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (11/5/24-1/5/25)
Drawing Lessons (10/8/24-11/10/24)
MOYA by Zip Zap Circus (9/12/24-10/20/24)
MOYA (9/12/24-10/20/24)
'Til Death: A Marriage Musical
Art House North (1/31 - 2/15) | ||
Sanctuary City
Theatre in the Round (5/9 - 6/1) | ||
Groucho Marx Meets T.S. Eliot
ILLUSION THEATER (2/21 - 3/15)
| ||
The Robert Cray Band
Pantages Theatre (3/28 - 3/28) | ||
Kumail Nanjiani: Doing This Again
Pantages Theatre (3/8 - 3/8) | ||
Little Shop of Horrors
Theatre 55 (2/7 - 2/22) | ||
Kimberly Akimbo
Orpheum Theatre Minneapolis (7/8 - 7/13) | ||
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